Saturday, October 13, 2018

The weather has officially turned, and we are trotting off towards winter!  Everyone should see grades in Skyward for their students first project, "mySelfie."  There are also behavior grades posted that go with our first introductory unit.  Please let me know if anyone has any questions about the grades that they are seeing.  I am available by phone or email, and will be available during teacher's conferences as well.  Conferences will be held on October 24 from 3:30 pm-7:30 pm and again on October 25 from 8:00 am -noon.  If there is a time that works best for you, feel free to let me know and I can reserve the 10 minute time slot for you.  Otherwise, you will be able to sign up outside of the Digital Literacy rooms for a slot. 

This week, we finished our Timeline projects.  The students worked on researching a technology or innovation, and completed slides that showed what they had learned.  We focused on sources, specifically what makes a credible source.  I think that this was a challenging project for the students, but I was very proud of what the students produced!  Not only did they show that they knew that Google is just a search engine, not a source, they also were able to produce slides that included many elements of Google Slides.  Ask your student to share their work with you! It's very impressive.  

Next week, we will be starting a unit on Digital Citizenship.  To kick off this new unit, the students started to explore Interland, an interactive program that teaches kindness, safety and how to be a great digital citizen this past Friday.  Monday, we will start making a digital interactive scrap book in Padlet of all the things that we are learning about Digital Citizenship.  I am excited to see what your students will do with their Padlets!

Image result for digital citizenship free photos

Digital Citizenship, Privacy, Websites and More!

Happy Thursday Digital Literacy families!  This week in class, your students are learning about Digital Citizenship, and I wanted to share s...