Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A busy couple of weeks!

It has been a busy couple of weeks here at the DAMS Digital Literacy class!  On Friday, I will be volunteering at the Fall Festival-I hope that I will see everyone there!

Last week, we finished up our mySelfie project slides, and presented the slides to our classmates.  Each student had to get up in front of the class, state their entire name, and explain their slide.  As part of the project, students had to take a "selfie" using their Chromebook, and upload the image into their slide.  Then, each student added facts about their life that they wanted to share with their classmates.  This "get-to-know-you" activity was great for learning basic skills about Google slides including how to change a background, how to save an image to Google Drive, how to upload a photo, and how to create bullet points.  Some students were very creative with their slides, and changed the font, the colors and even put images in the background!

Grades for this project, as well a behavior grades for the month of September should be posted in Skyward this week.  If anyone has any questions about their grades, I can certainly be contacted by phone!

This week, we will be working on our Timeline project.  The students will be researching different points in tech history, such as when the first Chromebook was introduced, or the Analytical Machine developed by Charles Babbage.  In groups, the students will make a slide that shows what they have learned about their timeline point. When all of the 5th grade classes are finished, I will be compiling the slides into one timeline.   I am excited to see what they find! Check back next week, as I will be posting some highlights from our timeline!

Digital Citizenship, Privacy, Websites and More!

Happy Thursday Digital Literacy families!  This week in class, your students are learning about Digital Citizenship, and I wanted to share s...