Monday, November 26, 2018

We are back at our important work this week after our long holiday weekend! Now that we are settling back into our room, there are many updates to share. 

Last week, we started a new project in the program called Project Lead the Way.  We are working a project called "Infections/Detections" and are learning about how to discover patient zero using a fake germ powder.  We spread the germs, and checked each other's hands using a UV was very fun and exciting to see where the "germs" had gone!  This week we will be working more with Project Lead the Way, and we will be experimenting with different ways to "Prevent the Spread." 

I wanted to share with you also, a presentation that a group of students did for our second project on research.  The goal of the Timeline project was to learn more about how to safely and correctly find and cite sources.  It also gave us a chance to look at what makes a good resource, and what is a not so good resource.  Each group of students was given a timeline research point to work with.  The presentation included with this blog post was done by a group of students who had to look at how and when Youtube started.  

We will continue to do our typing, reading and vocabulary practice in the weeks to come.  Last week, we also added some coding practice with  Please let me know if you would like information on how to access these fun and educational activities at home!

Check out this great example of our Timeline Research Slide Show Project!

Digital Citizenship, Privacy, Websites and More!

Happy Thursday Digital Literacy families!  This week in class, your students are learning about Digital Citizenship, and I wanted to share s...