Wednesday, February 6, 2019

We are coding an Ecosystem? What???

It has been hard to get back into our daily routine with all the snow days, but we are getting there!  There is so much learning that still needs to be done, so it is best if we just get at it!

This week in 5th Grade Digital Literacy, we have continued to work on our coding projects in Tynker. For extra practice, a few classes have worked on debugging existing code in Tynker for the Groggy Groundhog Day project.  Debugging gives the students a valuable experience of looking at existing code and problem-solving to find out what went wrong.  Also, it was fun to see the debugged program predict an early spring!  

We have also started to code our Dino Ecosystem.  This program is tricky, as we are working on parameters that have user input.  This means that if you pick up the finished code, you as the person using the program, will have to put in different numbers for our parameters.  In our Dino Ecosystem, that means that the user gets to pick the number of bushes, the number of t-rex, and the number of triceratops!  

In class, we have also been working on our vocabulary skills.  Many of the words that we are studying, can be helpful in other classes.  Some of the students are struggling with words such as simulation, programming, platform, and modeling.  Quizlet is the fun and interactive way that we work with our vocab, and can be accessed at home or at the public library.  Consider giving your student a chance for some extra vocab practice!  They can race your time on the Match vocabulary game (just ask your student about it...they will tell you all about it, as well as their fastest score!)

In a few weeks, we will be starting on the Robotics unit.  I will be sending out a parent letter by email regarding the framework, and some classroom expectations.  Please watch for that email, and contact me with any questions that you might have!  

Digital Citizenship, Privacy, Websites and More!

Happy Thursday Digital Literacy families!  This week in class, your students are learning about Digital Citizenship, and I wanted to share s...